Hvordan laver man underscore på mac
Of course, this depends on your type of keyboar language, layout etc. But on a standard English keyboar there should be a key that has the hyphen as the main character, and an underscore as the shifted character. UK English iMac Wireless Keybo.
How do I underline on Mac key board indlæg 2. Where is the lower underscore key on my Macbook. Underscore character missing. Flere resultater fra discussions.
For eksempel, i stedet for at skrive en type understregning , kan du skrive det som Type_an_underscore , Udskiftning af rum med understregninger. Mens dette symbol er let at finde på den standard tastatur, . Typing an underscore is the same for a Windows or a Mac computer. On most standard keyboard layouts, the underscore shares a key with the hyphen character. Type it by pressing the Shift and Hyphen keys. How do you type an underscore on a MacBook using keyboard viewer only ? The Mac character viewer calls an underscore a low line.
The guy used capitals, and then underlined them to remind himself they were capitals. You know, between and =. Klik på knappen Find næste for at finde den første forekomst af understregning i teksten. Hold klikke Find Næste for at lede efter andre symboler begivenheder. Meddelelsen Kan ikke finde. Få sat fart på arbejdet med disse fremragende genvejstaster til din Mac -computer.
Det er oftest hurtigere at bruge de indbyggede genveje på dit Mac -tastatur . MAC -brugere kan taste: x , CMD SHIFT ? ANDEN SKABELON: Man vil måske kalde et fast punkt. Den anden svarer til (dvs. dobbelt-” underscore ”). Man skriver altså _ ( underscore ) gange efter hinanden. NB: Variablen får farven lilla.
We ask the readers of the Record to give their most earnest attention to the proposed metho outlined in this issue, of putting M. It is pointed out that, owing to intense competition, we must exert every influence possible to get good athletic material for M. Literal Subscript (subscripted variable name).
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