Mærsk olie og gas job

We are looking for a Project Assistant who can provide support to our Tyra Redevelopment Project Services team. This is an opportunity to act as focal point for a wide range of tasks and work independently to keep abreast of projects, details and structures. Brug dit faglige netværk til at finde drømmejobbet. Here you can apply for your career. Find dit nye job allerede i dag.

After more than years of production the Tyra field requires redevelopment because of the subsidence of the chalk reservoir. This has led to the Tyra platforms sinking by . Søg efter nye Mærsk olie gas - jobs. Bekræftede arbejdsgivere.

Gratis, hurtig og nem måde at finde et job med mere end 34. From exploration and production, through drilling and extensive oil and gas services, there are many different types of people required to keep our essential production and distribution chain working as it should. Whether you have an entry-level job as a . Offshore work refers to all the jobs on an oil or gas drilling platform or rig out in the sea. The work is suited for people who thrive on unpredictability, unique challenges and excitement. We reward individual performance whilst recognising that in our industry can only be achieved through cooperation between highly professional teams.

Turning challenging and complex fields into. Joining a global company, you will get to work with some of the biggest companies in the world within the Danish Underground Consortium ( DUC), as you ensure an overall strong legal presence to represent . Do you have technical insight and relevant experience from an offshore relevant position? In this position as our new Offshore Work Preparer you will be able to challenge yourself and contribute to play an important role in safe production and maintenance in . Our production comes from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, the US Gulf of Mexico and Algeria.

Exploration and development activities are on-going in . Hele Mærsks olieforretning flyttes til Esbjerg. Alt relateret til de danske olie- og gasproduktion rykkes til Esbjerg og samtidig bliver 1landbaserede danske stillinger skåret væk, lød det. Nu viser det sig, at det er 1job , som ryger. I Esbjerg betyder det, at der tilføres nye stillinger til . Omlægning af olieforretningen i Mærsk koster 1danske job. Læs også: millioner skal gøre olie- og gasproduktionen grønnere.

Maersk Oil om en stor dansk nedskæring. Hvordan de 1job , der forsvinder med nedskæringen, .


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