Flux definition
Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Hop til General mathematical definition (transport) - In this case the surface in which flux is being measured is fixe and has area A. The surface is assumed to be flat, and the flow is assumed to be everywhere constant with respect to position, and perpendicular to the surface. Secon flux as a scalar field defined. English dictionary definition of flux.
A flow or flowing of a liquid. The flowing in of the tide. A continuing movement, especially in large numbers of things: a flux of sensation.
Flux is the presence of a force field in a specified physical medium, or the flow of energy through a surface. In electronics, the term applies to any electrostatic field and any magnetic field. The noun flux describes something that constantly changes. Flux Definition - Flux is a common phenomenon throughout the natural world and has become a ubiquitous concept throughout physics and mathematics, and.
The rate of transfer of energy (or another physical quantity) through a given surface, specifically electric flux , magnetic flux. That high a neutron flux would be lethal in seconds. A disease which causes diarrhea, . The definition of a flux is a flow of liquid from the body, or a constant movement or change.
An example of flux is diarrhea. Define flux (noun) and get synonyms. Mitchell, in his Manual of Assaying, makes two classes of fluxes —metallic and non-metallic. Under the head of non-metallic fluxes , he places . Learn what magnetic flux means and how to calculate it.
Magnetic flux is a measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given area. I feel like Magnetic Flux is defined as Magnetic Flux Density times the area, and that Magnetic Flux Density is defined as Magnetic Flux divided by the area. Search the Dictionary for More Terms. Meaning of flux and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory.
Flux is the situation when you're in between a relationship and friends with benefits and don't know what is going to happen in the future. Definition of Flux - Glossary of Physiology Terms, Phrases, and Abbreviations. It can transform into more or totally fade away. Danmarks største formel samling enda helt gratis for alle brugere.
It is not as binding as a . KJV Dictionary Definition : flux. The moving or passing of any thing in continued succession. Things in this life, are in a continual flux. Any flow or issue of matter. In medicine, an extraordinary issue or evacuation from the bowels or . Bibliography Information.
The autophagic system is involved in both bulk degradation of primarily long- lived cytoplasmic proteins as well as in selective degradation of cytoplasmic organelles. Autophagic flux is often defined as a measure of autophagic degradation activity, and a number of methods are currently utilized to assess . Figure shows lines of flux emanating from North Pole and ending at South Pole of a magnet. The lines of flux in a current carrying conductor are a circular in shape. Every current carrying conductor will induce lines of flux. These lines of flux in magnetic fields are similar as electrical current in electrical fields.
This parameter can be adjusted to reflect the changes in the sensitivity of the human eye with respect to different wavelengths of light. One lumen is defined as the luminous flux of the uniform point light source having a luminous .
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