Sikaflex 521 uv data sheet

Excellent adherent, weathering resistant sealant. Density (uncured) (CQP 006-4) depending on color 1. Relevante identificerede anvendelser for stoffet eller blandingen samt anvendelser, der frarå- des. Tætningsmasser og klæbestoffer. Nærmere oplysninger om leverandøren af sikkerhedsdatabladet.

UV Resistant Low Modulus Sealant. Competitive price and delivery. High electrical resistance - Low V. View datasheet for Sika Flex - 5UV. Suitable surfaces are woo metal, undercoats and. This product is subject to specific safety warnings.

Safety data sheet available on request . Sikaflex 5is specified on Sika data sheets as a sealer only. Silane Terminated Polymer. Uitstekend hechtende en weerbestendige lijmkit.

Dit product is alleen geschikt voor gebruik door ervaren profes-. Køb Fugemasse SIKA 5UV hvid hos Sanistål. Gratis fragt til nærmeste Sanistål butik gælder for størstedelen af sortimentet! The product cures on exposure to.

Uses: Sikaflex - 5UV bonds well to a wide variety of substrates without the need for special pre-treatment and is suitable for making permanent, high strength elastic seals. It cures at room temperture in. SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. Special offers and product promotions.

Selante de longa duração. Poliuretano híbrido monocomponente. Densidade (não curado) (CSQP 006-4). Estabilidade (propriedades de não escorrimento). Sika Corporation, Industry.

Both materials are coatable and adhesive strength tested. Product and company identification. PUR-Hybrid sealant based on the. Volume: 300ml – Weight: 410g – Colour: White – Cure Mechanismoisture-curing.

Please click here to download the product technical data sheet. Excelente sellador adherente resistente a la intemperie. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against.


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