Transformers age of extinction personer

Like its predecessors, it was directed by . S30VkLn5a2o Lignende 16. Nu har regeringen mistet sin tiltro til de mægtige Transformers. Som resultat sættes den paranoide regeringsrepræsentant, Harold Attinger, . -kanalen Screen Junkies er kendte for hæmningsløst at klippe film, tv- serier og spil om i nye.

Following the Battle of Chicago, humanity has come to fear both Autobots and Decepticons alike. With the aid of a Transformer mercenary named Lockdown, a CIA task-force operated by Harold . DiMaggio og Ryan lægger stemmer til de nye karakterer Crosshairs og Lockdown og Foxworth vender tilbage som Ratchet og Wilson som Brains. Transformers : Age of Extinction is the fourth film in the live-action film series. Their goal, as always, was to make the latest installment in the franchise an even bigger visual spectacle. But in the next scene, we could see that the maximum amount of person that the elevator could bring is people.

However, the issue of their age difference, consent, prior relationship, and Tessa being only applies to the crime of Sexual Assault. At one point, it is safely assumed that if you are in a fight near an Asian person , they will suddenly display martial arts prowess.

You put a medieval knight in front of the camera and it now looks (a bit) cliche it looks outdate” he says. But the samurai look, of course we . Das offizielle Spiel zum vierten Transformers-Teil. There are also giant robots . Teen fans of the “Transformers” franchise can get their fill of high-tech destruction and battered cars morphing into gigantic metal warriors in this latest sequel.

The film is really fine for all teens, though it runs on endlessly — and loudly — at more than two-and-a-half hours, . The $2million “ Age of Extinction ” was made with the global box office, and China in particular, in mind. The strategy has worke with the . The film begins after an epic battle that left a great city torn, but with the world saved. As humanity picks up the pieces, a shadowy group reveals itself in an attempt to control the direction of history… while an . Occasionally for better but often for worse, Michael Bay has been a trailblazer for this generation of studio filmmakers, whose films bear the mark of his dizzying editing and grandiose compositions.

Whether audiences will embrace the move or see it . With mankind now against the Autobots and forcing them into hiding, they must rise up once again and save the very world that is hunting them down from extinction. Become a member to write your own review. The most violent moment in the movie is where Lockdown (evil robot) burns down a person ! An interesting movie and has lots of .

When Bay offs an obnoxious character in the first act, one person in the audience burst into thankful applause. Add more and vote on your favourites!


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